Composting Infographic
The Challenge
Research King County’s waste collection system and find out where we can make the most impact within that system.
Project Goal
Upon collecting research through surveys and interviews, our group discovered that composting education was a potential design opportunity. We set out to create a three-part infographic series to communicate the benefits of composting and the negative impacts it mitigates.
Future Prospects
Our group hopes to design a microsite that coincides with the poster in the future. The microsite will provide access to further education materials such as composting tips, instructions on creating in-house composting bins, and links to materials to build said bins. An additional community outreach project involving community gardens and community-lead composting piles is also under consideration for the microsite. Community-lead composting is believed to increase community engagement, alleviate demand on King County’s composting system, and potentially produce higher-quality compost.